Chebet Lesan
Founder, BrightGreen Energy
Chebet Lesan is the founder of BrightGreen Energy, an energy innovation company known for its sustainable biomass briquettes that replace charcoal and firewood use. BrightGreen's vision; to preserve the environment, by providing a simple, effective, and affordable product. BrightGreen's foundation is women, who are the primary beneficiaries, as well as the core of BrightGreen's business model, in production, distribution and management. Chebet believes that clean cooking energy access is a fundamental need and should prioritized accordingly. Cooking is the heartbeat of the home and is the foundation of families.
Over the years, Chebet has lent her voice to several international platforms including UNGA, WTO Public Forum, and SE4All Forum, with one main message; prioritize clean cooking access. BrightGreen is recognized globally as an industry leader and has received numerous awards, some of the most notable being a prestigious award from Her Majesty, The Queen of England, the Grand Prize Winner of Africa Business Heroes, and Cartier Women's Award recipient for the Africa region. Chebet's educational background is in Leadership from the University of Cambridge, Business and sustainability from Rutgers University and INSEAD, and a Degree in Product Design from the University of Nairobi.