Mission Statement
Africa is now positioned to be the most important driver of global business with a market size opportunity of more than $3 trillion. Yet, most current forums on Africa limit their discussions to development and humanitarian issues and often fail to amplify African voices.

The launch of the Global Africa Business Initiative (GABI) in New York in September 2022 highlighted the growth trajectory and business opportunities within all sectors of African economies. Last year’s inaugural convening of GABI was a resounding success and demonstrated that there was a clear space to fill in advancing the role of the private sector in driving Africa’s sustainable economic development for Africa and for the world.
GABI distinguished itself from other Africa focused fora by putting the private sector at the center of the discussions and the solutions. GABI has created a platform that places Africa in its rightful place in the global economy and positions the continent as the premier destination for business, trade and investment.
With the tagline of #Unstoppable Africa, GABI will evolve into a global platform where African and global business leaders, governments, investors and philanthropy will connect and catalyze solutions to policy, financial and business opportunities for business.
With the clear opportunity to grow and amplify its presence globally, GABI will take Africa to the world and bring the world to Africa, through a series of smaller, tailored private sector led convenings in select locations. A strong communications and advocacy plan will echo the pulse and progress through a series of leading champions and advocates for private sector led growth. Each September, GABI will hold its flagship convening in New York to take stock of progress over the year.
It is clear we cannot achieve the Sustainable Development Goals or the African Union’s Agenda 2063 without responsible business leadership and strong multi-stakeholder partnerships. GABI will connect, convene and catalyze this leadership and partnerships.

When Africa Wins, The World Wins